23:44 {13} And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.

(13) Christ, even being at the point of death, shows himself to be God almighty even to the blind.

23:44 There was a darkness. See PNT Mt 27:45.

23:44 There was darkness over all the earth - The noon - tide darkness, covering the sun, obscured all the upper hemisphere. And the lower was equally darkened, the moon being in opposition to the sun, and so receiving no light from it. Mt 27:45.

23:44-49 We have here the death of Christ magnified by the wonders that attended it, and his death explained by the words with which he breathed out his soul. He was willing to offer himself. Let us seek to glorify God by true repentance and conversion; by protesting against those who crucify the Saviour; by a sober, righteous, and godly life; and by employing our talents in the service of Him who died for us and rose again.