22:66 {21} And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying,

(21) Christ is wrongly condemned of blasphemy before the high priest's judgment seat in order that we might be acquitted before God from the blasphemy which we deserved.

22:66 As soon as it was day. The Lord had already been examined by Annas, and tried and condemned before Caiaphas in the night. To make it legal a meeting had to be held after daylight. See notes on Mt 26:57-68.

The elders of the people. The assembly of the elders of the people (Revised Version). The Sanhedrin.

Led him into their council. Before the formal meeting of the body. This is the second time Jesus was before it and the second condemnation.

22:66 Mt 26:63; Mr 14:61.

22:63-71 Those that condemned Jesus for a blasphemer, were the vilest blasphemers. He referred them to his second coming, for the full proof of his being the Christ, to their confusion, since they would not admit the proof of it to their conviction. He owns himself to be the Son of God, though he knew he should suffer for it. Upon this they ground his condemnation. Their eyes being blinded, they rush on. Let us meditate on this amazing transaction, and consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.