20:36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the {h} children of the resurrection.

(h) That is, men who partake in the resurrection: for as we truly say that they will indeed live who will enjoy everlasting bliss, so do those indeed rise who rise to life; though if this word resurrection is taken generally, it refers also to the wicked, who will rise to condemnation, which is not properly life, but death.

20:27-40 Then came to [him] certain of the Sadducees. For notes on the Sadducees silenced, see Mt 22:23-33. Compare Mr 12:18-27.

20:36 They are the children of God - In a more eminent sense when they rise again.

20:27-38 It is common for those who design to undermine any truth of God, to load it with difficulties. But we wrong ourselves, and wrong the truth of Christ, when we form our notions of the world of spirits by this world of sense. There are more worlds than one; a present visible world, and a future unseen world; and let every one compare this world and that world, and give the preference in his thoughts and cares to that which deserves them. Believers shall obtain the resurrection from the dead, that is the blessed resurrection. What shall be the happy state of the inhabitants of that world, we cannot express or conceive,