18:15 {f} And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: {4} but when [his] disciples saw [it], they rebuked them.

(f) The children were tender and young in that they were brought, which appears more evidently in that they were infants. (Ed.)

(4) To judge or think of Christ after the reason of the flesh is the cause of infinite corruptions.

18:15-17 They brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them. See notes on Mt 19:13-15 Mr 10:13-16 It was the customs of the Jews to bring their babes to the synagogue for the rabbi to lay his hands upon and bless. So says the Talmud.

18:15 Mt 19:13; Mr 10:13.

18:15-17 None are too little, too young, to be brought to Christ, who knows how to show kindness to those not capable of doing service to him. It is the mind of Christ, that little children should be brought to him. The promise is to us, and to our seed; therefore He will bid them welcome to him with us. And we must receive his kingdom as children, not by purchase, and must call it our Father's gift.