17:5 {3} And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.

(3) God will never be utterly lacking to the godly

(although he may not be as thorough with them as they wish) even in those difficulties which cannot be overcome by man's reason.

17:5 Increase our faith. They desire more faith. In the face of the overwhelming odds against them, the general unbelief, and the fact that Jesus would not be the kind of a Christ that they and all the Jews had expected, they felt the need of more faith.

17:5 Lord, increase our faith - That we may thus forgive, and may neither offend nor be offended. Mt 17:20.

17:1-10 It is no abatement of their guilt by whom an offence comes, nor will it lessen their punishment that offences will come. Faith in God's pardoning mercy, will enable us to get over the greatest difficulties in the way of forgiving our brethren. As with God nothing is impossible, so all things are possible to him that can believe. Our Lord showed his disciples their need of deep humility. The Lord has such a property in every creature, as no man can have in another; he cannot be in debt to them for their services, nor do they deserve any return from him.