16:9 And the {e} separate cities for the children of Ephraim [were] among the inheritance of the children of Manasseh, all the cities with their villages.

(e) Because Ephraim's tribe was far greater than Manasseh, therefore he had more cities.

16:9 The separate cities - That is, besides those cities which were within Ephraim's bounds, he had some other cities, to which all of all their territories were annexed out Manasseh's portion, because his tribe was all here, and was larger than Manasseh's.

16:20-63 Here is a list of the cities of Judah. But we do not here find Bethlehem, afterwards the city of David, and ennobled by the birth of our Lord Jesus in it. That city, which, at the best, was but little among the thousands of Judah, Mic 5:2, except that it was thus honoured, was now so little as not to be accounted one of the cities.