7:34 Where I am, [thither] ye cannot come. Not while on earth, neither after life is over, if they die in their sins (Joh 8:21). The Jews did not comprehend his words, plain as they are to us.

7:34 Ye shall seek me - Whom ye now despise. These words are, as it were, the text which is commented upon in this and the following chapter . Where I am - Christ's so frequently saying while on earth, where I am, when he spake of his being in heaven, intimates his perpetual presence there in his Divine nature: though his going thither was a future thing, with regard to his human nature.

7:31-36 The discourses of Jesus convinced many that he was the Messiah; but they had not courage to own it. It is comfort to those who are in the world, but not of it, and therefore are hated by it and weary of it, that they shall not be in it always, that they shall not be in it long. Our days being evil, it is well they are few. The days of life and of grace do not last long; and sinners, when in misery, will be glad of the help they now despise. Men dispute about such sayings, but the event will explain them.