6:22 The day following. The day after the miracle, when five thousand were fed, and after the night storm on the sea of Galilee.

The people which stood on the other side of the sea and been fed, remained awhile because there were no other vessels, and the more willingly, because they saw that Jesus had not gone with his disciples.

6:22 Who had stood on the other side - They were forced to stay a while, because there were then no other vessels; and they stayed the less unwillingly, because they saw that Jesus was not embarked.

6:22-27 Instead of answering the inquiry how he came there, Jesus blamed their asking. The utmost earnestness should be employed in seeking salvation, in the use of appointed means; yet it is to be sought only as the gift of the Son of man. Him the Father has sealed, proved to be God. He declared the Son of man to be the Son of God with power.