14:12 {5} Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and {f} greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

(5) Christ's power is not only shown within his own person, but it is spread through the body of his entire Church.

(f) That is, not only do them, but I can also give other men power to do greater.

14:12 Greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Those who believe shall have power given to do works, in some respects greater; not greater miracles, but to effect greater moral and spiritual revolutions. At the time of his death, as far as we know, he had only about five hundred disciples (1Co 15:6), but he went to his Father and shed forth the things seen and heard on Pentecost (Ac 2:33), and the eleven apostles converted three thousand in a single day (Ac 2:41).

14:12 Greater works than these shall he do - So one apostle wrought miracles merely by his shadow, Acts 5:15; another by handkerchiefs carried from his body, Acts 19:12; and all spake with various tongues. But the converting one sinner is a greater work than all these. Because I go to my Father - To send you the Holy Ghost.

14:12-17 Whatever we ask in Christ's name, that shall be for our good, and suitable to our state, he shall give it to us. To ask in Christ's name, is to plead his merit and intercession, and to depend upon that plea. The gift of the Spirit is a fruit of Christ's mediation, bought by his merit, and received by his intercession. The word used here, signifies an advocate, counsellor, monitor, and comforter. He would abide with the disciples to the end of time; his gifts and graces would encourage their hearts. The expressions used here and elsewhere, plainly denote a person, and the office itself includes all the Divine perfections. The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed upon the disciples of Christ, and not on the world. This is the favour God bears to his chosen. As the source of holiness and happiness, the Holy Spirit will abide with every believer for ever.