2:2 Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the {a} kindness of thy youth, the love of thy espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, {b} in a land [that was] not sown.

(a) According to that grace and favour which I showed you from the beginning, when I first chose you to be my people, and married you to myself, Eze 16:8.

(b) When I had delivered you out of Egypt.

2:2 Go - From Anathoth to Jerusalem. Remember - I remind thee of the kindness that was between us. The love - When I entered into covenant with thee at the giving of the law. Wilderness - I took such care of thee, in the howling wilderness, a land that was not sown.

2:1-8 Those who begin well, but do not persevere, will justly be upbraided with their hopeful and promising beginnings. Those who desert religion, commonly oppose it more than those who never knew it. For this they could have no excuse. God's spiritual Israel must own their obligations to him for safe conduct through the wilderness of this world, so dangerous to the soul. Alas, that many, who once appeared devoted to the Lord, so live that their professions aggravate their crimes! Let us be careful that we do not lose in zeal and fervency, as we gain knowledge.