2:11 {10} Wherefore remember, that ye [being] in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are {k} called Uncircumcision by that which is {l} called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;

(10) Applying the former doctrine to the Gentiles, he shows that they were not only as the Jews by nature, but also after a special manner, strangers and without God. Therefore they ought so much the more remember that same so great a benefit of God.

(k) You were called in no other state than as Gentiles, so that all the world might witness your uncleanness.

(l) Of the Jews who were known by you by the mark of circumcision, the mark of the covenant.

2:11 Wherefore remember. Remembrance of all that God had done would awake gratitude.

Uncircumcision. Gentiles were so called by the Jews, who were the Circumcision.

In the flesh made by hands. There was a circumcision not in the flesh, not made with hands, but of the Spirit, and in the heart (Ro 2:28,29).

2:11 Wherefore remember - Such a remembrance strengthens faith, and increases gratitude. That ye being formerly gentiles in the flesh - Neither circumcised in body nor in spirit. Who were accordingly called the uncircumcision - By way of reproach. By that which is called the circumcision - By those who call themselves the circumcised, and think this a proof that they are the people of God; and who indeed have that outward circumcision which is performed by hands in the flesh.

2:11-13 Christ and his covenant are the foundation of all the Christian's hopes. A sad and terrible description is here; but who is able to remove himself out of it? Would that this were not a true description of many baptized in the name of Christ. Who can, without trembling, reflect upon the misery of a person, separated for ever from the people of God, cut off from the body of Christ, fallen from the covenant of promise, having no hope, no Saviour, and without any God but a God of vengeance, to all eternity? To have no part in Christ! What true Christian can hear this without horror? Salvation is far from the wicked; but God is a help at hand to his people; and this is by the sufferings and death of Christ.