1:10 {14} That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might {n} gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; [even] in him:

(14) The Father exhibited and gave Christ, who is the head of all the elect to the world, at that time which was convenient according as he most wisely disposed all times from everlasting. And Christ is he in whom all the elect from the beginning of the world (otherwise wandering and separated from God) are gathered together. And some of these elect were in heaven, when he came into the earth, that is, those who by faith in him to come, were gathered together. And others being found upon the earth were gathered together by him, and the rest are daily gathered together.

(n) The faithful are said to be gathered together in Christ, because they are joined together with him through faith, and become as it were one man.

1:10 That. He now states the mystery which God had revealed.

In the dispensation of the fulness of times. In the last dispensation which came in the fullness of time; when the times were full, or ripe. Fullness of time is often applied to the period of Christ's coming. See Ga 4:4 Heb 1:2 9:10 1Pe 1:20.

He might gather together in one all things in Christ. That the scattered families and tribes of men, both Jews and Gentiles, should all be gathered and united under one head, Christ. Nay, not only men, but angels,

both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, all should be united under Christ as head, so that he should be all and in all (Col 3:11). See Re 5:13. Compare Mt 28:18 and many other passages which are parallel in thought.

1:10 That in the dispensation of the fullness of the times - In this last administration of God's fullest grace, which took place when the time appointed was fully come. He might gather together into one in Christ - Might recapitulate, re - unite, and place in order again under Christ, their common Head. All things which are in heaven, and on earth - All angels and men, whether living or dead, in the Lord.

1:9-14 Blessings were made known to believers, by the Lord's showing to them the mystery of his sovereign will, and the method of redemption and salvation. But these must have been for ever hidden from us, if God had not made them known by his written word, preached gospel, and Spirit of truth. Christ united the two differing parties, God and man, in his own person, and satisfied for that wrong which caused the separation. He wrought, by his Spirit, those graces of faith and love, whereby we are made one with God, and among ourselves. He dispenses all his blessings, according to his good pleasure. His Divine teaching led whom he pleased to see the glory of those truths, which others were left to blaspheme. What a gracious promise that is, which secures the gift of the Holy Ghost to those who ask him! The sanctifying and comforting influences of the Holy Spirit seal believers as the children of God, and heirs of heaven. These are the first-fruits of holy happiness. For this we were made, and for this we were redeemed; this is the great design of God in all that he has done for us; let all be ascribed unto the praise of his glory.