9:35 And all that dwelt at {o} Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord.

(o) Lydda was a city of Palestine, and Saron a first-class country, and a place which was excellent for grazing, between Caesarea of Palestine and Mount Tabor, and the lake of Gennesaret, which goes far beyond Joppa.

9:35 All that dwelt at Lydda and Saron. In the plain of Sharon, a term often applied to the seacoast plain between Joppa and Caesarea. See So 2:1.

And turned to the Lord. The passage means, not that every soul turned, but that there was a general turning as the result of the miracle.

9:35 Lydda was a large town, one day's journey from Jerusalem. It stood in the plain or valley of Sharon, which extended from Cesarea to Joppa, and was noted for its fruitfulness.

9:32-35 Christians are saints, or holy people; not only the eminent ones, as Saint Peter and Saint Paul, but every sincere professor of the faith of Christ. Christ chose patients whose diseases were incurable in the course of nature, to show how desperate was the case of fallen mankind. When we were wholly without strength, as this poor man, he sent his word to heal us. Peter does not pretend to heal by any power of his own, but directs Eneas to look up to Christ for help. Let none say, that because it is Christ, who, by the power of his grace, works all our works in us, therefore we have no work, no duty to do; for though Jesus Christ makes thee whole, yet thou must arise, and use the power he gives thee.