28:16 And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by {f} himself with a soldier that kept him.

(f) Not in a common prison, but in a house which he rented for himself.

28:16 Delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard. The commander of what was called the Praetorian Guard, the Praetorian Prefect; at this time this great officer was named Burrhus. The Praetorian camp was the permanent garrison of Rome.

But Paul was suffered to dwell by himself. Sometimes state prisoners, sent from the provinces, awaiting trial, were thrown into a prison adjoining the Praetorian camp, and sometimes were allowed to choose their own residence under the guard of a soldier.

With a soldier that kept him. Paul was permitted the latter course, no doubt on account of the kindly reports sent from Caesarea by Festus and King Agrippa to Rome. The soldier was fastened to the prisoner by a chain. See Ac 28:20.

28:16 With the soldier - To whom he was chained, as the Roman custom was.

28:11-16 The common events of travelling are seldom worthy of being told; but the comfort of communion with the saints, and kindness shown by friends, deserve particular mention. The Christians at Rome were so far from being ashamed of Paul, or afraid of owning him, because he was a prisoner, that they were the more careful to show him respect. He had great comfort in this. And if our friends are kind to us, God puts it into their hearts, and we must give him the glory. When we see those even in strange places, who bear Christ's name, fear God, and serve him, we should lift up our hearts to heaven in thanksgiving. How many great men have made their entry into Rome, crowned and in triumph, who really were plagues to the world! But here a good man makes his entry into Rome, chained as a poor captive, who was a greater blessing to the world than any other merely a man. Is not this enough to put us for ever out of conceit with worldly favour? This may encourage God's prisoners, that he can give them favour in the eyes of those that carry them captives. When God does not soon deliver his people out of bondage, yet makes it easy to them, or them easy under it, they have reason to be thankful.