21:4 And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the {a} Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

(a) They foretold through the Spirit what dangers were about to befall Paul, and this they did as prophets: but they misdirected him away from Jerusalem because of a fleshly affection.

21:4 Finding disciples. Preachers of the word came to Phoenicia, of which Tyre was the capital, and probably planted the church (Ac 11:19).

Tarried there seven days. As this statement is made three times where Paul found brethren (Ac 20:6 21:04 28:14), it evidently implies that he tarried at each place to have one solemn meeting on the first day of the week, as at Troas (Ac 20:7), and to celebrate the Lord's Supper with the church.

Said to Paul through the Spirit. Predicted the sufferings that would befall him, and endeavored to dissuade him.

21:4 And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days - ln order to spend a Sabbath with them. Who told Paul by the Spirit - That afflictions awaited him at Jerusalem. This was properly what they said by the Spirit. They themselves advised him not to go up. The disciples seemed to understand their prophetic impulse to be an intimation from the Spirit, that Paul, if he were so minded, might avoid the danger, by not going to Jerusalem.

21:1-7 Providence must be acknowledged when our affairs go on well. Wherever Paul came, he inquired what disciples were there, and found them out. Foreseeing his troubles, from love to him, and concern for the church, they wrongly thought it would be most for the glory of God that he should continue at liberty; but their earnestness to dissuade him from it, renders his pious resolution the more illustrious. He has taught us by example, as well as by rule, to pray always, to pray without ceasing. Their last farewell was sweetened with prayer.