18:18 {6} And Paul [after this] tarried [there] yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; {k} having shorn [his] head in {l} Cenchrea: for he had a vow.

(6) Paul is made all to all, to win all to Christ.

(k) That is, Paul.

(l) Cenchrea was a haven of the Corinthians.

18:18 [After this]. After the affair before Gallio.

Paul tarried [there]. How long Paul remained, whether weeks or months, is not stated. The object is to show that this occurrence did not cause his departure.

Sailed thence into Syria. Antioch, the mother Gentile church from whence he started, was his destination.

Having shorn [his] head... for he had a vow. We know that the Jews were wont to make personal vows. For example, see Ge 28:20 Le 27:2 1Sa 1:11 2Sa 15:7. Paul complied with this custom of his race for some reason not explained. Why he took the vow, for how long, and what the shaving of the head had to do with it, are matters of conjecture. Nazarite vows required the shaving of the head in Jerusalem, and the hair cut off was offered in the temple (Nu 6:18). This could not have been a Nazarite vow. It is probable that he complied with some Jewish custom to aid him in reaching his own people with the gospel.

In Cenchrea. Cenchrea was the eastern harbor of Corinth, and received the commerce of Asia. A church was planted here (Ro 16:1).

18:18 Paul continued many days - After the year and six months, to confirm the brethren. Aquila having shaved his head - As was the custom in a vow, Acts 21:24; Num 6:18. At Cenchrea - A seaport town, at a small distance from Corinth.

18:18-23 While Paul found he laboured not in vain, he continued labouring. Our times are in God's hand; we purpose, but he disposes; therefore we must make all promises with submission to the will of God; not only if providence permits, but if God does not otherwise direct our motions. A very good refreshment it is to a faithful minister, to have for awhile the society of his brethren. Disciples are compassed about with infirmity; ministers must do what they can to strengthen them, by directing them to Christ, who is their Strength. Let us earnestly seek, in our several places, to promote the cause of Christ, forming plans that appear to us most proper, but relying on the Lord to bring them to pass if he sees good.