13:37 But Absalom fled, and went to {p} Talmai, the son of Ammihud, king of Geshur. And [David] mourned for his son every day.

(p) For Maachah his mother was the daughter of this Talmai, 2Sa 3:3.

13:37 Talmai - His mother's father, that he might have present protection and sustenance from him; and that by his mediation he might obtain his father's pardon.

13:30-39 Jonadab was as guilty of Ammon's death, as of his sin; such false friends do they prove, who counsel us to do wickedly. Instead of loathing Absalom as a murderer, David, after a time, longed to go forth to him. This was David's infirmity: God saw something in his heart that made a difference, else we should have thought that he, as much as Eli, honoured his sons more than God.