9:1 For {1} as touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you:

(1) He wisely answers the suspicion which the Corinthians might conceive, as though the apostle in urging them so carefully was doubting of their good will. Therefore he witnesses that he does it not to teach them that they ought to help the saints, seeing that he had become surety for them to the Macedonians. But only to stir those up who were labouring by themselves, to the end that all things might both be in a better readiness, and also be more plentiful.

9:1 Liberal and Cheerful Giving


The Reason for Sending Titus to Corinth. Giving a Sowing. An Abundant Harvest to the Cheerful and Liberal Giver. The Unspeakable Gift.

The ministering to the saints. Contributions to supply their needs.

It is superfluous for me to write to you. They were fully instructed, and had begun the work. Yet he does write and explain why in 2Co 9:3.

9:1 To write to you - Largely.

9:1-5 When we would have others do good, we must act toward them prudently and tenderly, and give them time. Christians should consider what is for the credit of their profession, and endeavour to adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. The duty of ministering to the saints is so plain, that there would seem no need to exhort Christians to it; yet self-love contends so powerfully against the love of Christ, that it is often necessary to stir up their minds by way of remembrance.