7:8 {2} For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though [it were] but for a season.

(2) An objection: but you have handled us roughly. The apostle answers that he did not use his roughness without grief. And he adds moreover, that he is also glad now that he drove them to that sorrow even though it was against his will, since it was so profitable to them. For there is a sorrow not only praiseworthy, but also necessary, that is, by which repentance grows by certain degrees: and for this repentance he praises them highly. And this is the fifth part of this epistle.

7:8 I do not repent. Regret, as in the Revised Version. The Greek word metamellomai, rendered repent in this verse, is not the one ( metanoia ) rendered repentance in 2Co 7:9,10. The Revised Version preserves the distinction throughout. His first letter made them sorry, and at one time he regretted sending it, because he feared it would not work the result he wished, but since it had, he did not regret that he sent it.

7:8 I did repent - That is, I felt a tender sorrow for having grieved you, till I saw the happy effect of it.

7:5-11 There were fightings without, or continual contentions with, and opposition from Jews and Gentiles; and there were fears within, and great concern for such as had embraced the Christian faith. But God comforts those who are cast down. We should look above and beyond all means and instruments, to God, as the author of all the consolation and good we enjoy. Sorrow according to the will of God, tending to the glory of God, and wrought by the Spirit of God, renders the heart humble, contrite, submissive, disposed to mortify every sin, and to walk in newness of life. And this repentance is connected with saving faith in Christ, and an interest in his atonement. There is a great difference between this sorrow of a godly sort, and the sorrow of the world. The happy fruits of true repentance are mentioned. Where the heart is changed, the life and actions will be changed. It wrought indignation at sin, at themselves, at the tempter and his instruments. It wrought a fear of watchfulness, and a cautious fear of sin. It wrought desire to be reconciled with God. It wrought zeal for duty, and against sin. It wrought revenge against sin and their own folly, by endeavours to make satisfaction for injuries done thereby. Deep humility before God, hatred of all sin, with faith in Christ, a new heart and a new life, make repentance unto salvation. May the Lord bestow it on every one of us.