7:2 {1} {b} Receive us; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.

(1) He returns again from that admonition to his own person, contrasting with them the testimonies both of his faithfulness and also of his continual good will towards them.

(b) Let me have some place among you, that I may teach you.

7:2 Receive us. Make room in your hearts for us and our admonitions. Compare 2Co 6:11-13.

We have wronged no man. In the severe charges of his first letter.

We have corrupted no man. Probably this is an answer to the vile insinuations of his adversaries at Corinth.

7:2 Receive us - The sum of what is said in this, as well as in the tenth and following chapter s. We have hurt no man - In his person. We have corrupted no man - In his principles. We have defrauded no man - Of his property. In this he intimates likewise the good he had done them, but with the utmost modesty, as it were not looking upon it.

7:1-4 The promises of God are strong reasons for us to follow after holiness; we must cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit. If we hope in God as our Father, we must seek to be holy as he is holy, and perfect as our Father in heaven. His grace, by the influences of his Spirit, alone can purify, but holiness should be the object of our constant prayers. If the ministers of the gospel are thought contemptible, there is danger lest the gospel itself be despised also; and though ministers must flatter none, yet they must be gentle towards all. Ministers may look for esteem and favour, when they can safely appeal to the people, that they have corrupted no man by false doctrines or flattering speeches; that they have defrauded no man; nor sought to promote their own interests so as to hurt any. It was affection to them made the apostle speak so freely to them, and caused him to glory of them, in all places, and upon all occasions.