7:12 Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, [I did it] not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the {h} sight of God might appear unto you.

(h) It was neither fake nor counterfeit, but such as I dare give account of before God.

7:12 Though I wrote to you, etc. The language that follows in this verse has caused some confusion. Paul evidently means to say that he did not write his stern charge, in 1Co 5:13 so much on account of the wrong doer, the incestuous person, nor on account of the person he had injured (his father), as to manifest his earnest care for the welfare of the church.

7:12 It was not only, or chiefly, for the sake of the incestuous person, or of his father; but to show my care over you.

7:12-16 The apostle was not disappointed concerning them, which he signified to Titus; and he could with joy declare the confidence he had in them for the time to come. Here see the duties of a pastor and of his flock; the latter must lighten the troubles of the pastoral office, by respect and obedience; the former make a due return by his care of them, and cherish the flock by testimonies of satisfaction, joy, and tenderness.