3:3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas [there is] among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as {d} men?

(d) Using the tools of man's intellect and judgment.

3:3 Ye are yet carnal. Hence, still not spiritual enough to receive the higher teaching, the hidden wisdom (1Co 2:7), the meat.

For whereas [there is] among you... divisions. The proof that they were yet carnal was the existence of divisions in the church.

Are ye not carnal, and walk as men? Exhibit the jealous and discordant spirit characteristic of men of the world.

3:3 For while there is among you emulation in your hearts, strife in your words, and actual divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk according to men - As mere men; not as Christians, according to God.

3:1-4 The most simple truths of the gospel, as to man's sinfulness and God's mercy, repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, stated in the plainest language, suit the people better than deeper mysteries. Men may have much doctrinal knowledge, yet be mere beginners in the life of faith and experience. Contentions and quarrels about religion are sad evidences of carnality. True religion makes men peaceable, not contentious. But it is to be lamented, that many who should walk as Christians, live and act too much like other men. Many professors, and preachers also, show themselves to be yet carnal, by vain-glorious strife, eagerness for dispute, and readiness to despise and speak evil of others.