22:1 Then David said, This [is] the {a} house of the LORD God, and this [is] the altar of the burnt offering for Israel.

(a) That is, the place in which he will be worshipped.

22:1 Said - Thro' the instinct and direction of God's spirit, by which as he is said to have had the pattern of the house, porch, altar, and c. 1Chron 28:11,12,19, so doubtless he was instructed as to the place where the house should be built. This - This is the place appointed by God for the building of his temple and altar.

22:1-5 On occasion of the terrible judgment inflicted on Israel for the sin of David, God pointed out the place where he would have the temple built; upon which, David was excited to make preparations for the great work. David must not build, but he would do all he could; he prepared abundantly before his death. What our hands find to do for God, and our souls, and those round us, let us do it with all our might, before our death; for after death there is no device nor working. And when the Lord refuses to employ us in those services which we desired, we must not be discouraged or idle, but do what we can, though in a humbler sphere.